Jaye's thoughts

This is 'my place' to vent. I have so many different viewpoints. I am a military wife. I am a second wife. I am a biological mother and a stepmother. I have teenagers and preschoolers. So I need a place to let everyone know what I am 'thinking' at any moment! Besides, I can't let my Brother show me up! Ha ha ha....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


In my first blog, I talked about my 'best friend', refering of course to my husband! I got an email from my BEST girlfriend who took me to task for not talking about my 'other' best friend, meaning her! Only a true best friend would have the comfort level to tell someone "hey, what the heck, You didn't mention ME"! hehe....So this blog, as promised, is about HER.
Her name is Melissa. We met quite by happenstance. I had just moved onto the submarine base in the town we live in after my husband had been transferred by the Navy to his new post. So had Melissa. By odd luck, the VERY same DAY! Anyways, a few weeks after moving in and settling in (with a ten day old baby, and my husband being deployed out to sea already I might add!) I took my then almost three year old daughter, and newborn son to the park for some much needed fresh air! While there, I saw this woman with her daughter, sitting on the side. We got to talking (about what I can't recall to this day!) and one thing led to another (as it usually does with us chatty gals!) and before we knew it we had made plans to get our husbands to meet (when they both got home from sea, both being on different submarines!) and to get together ourselves! Sure enough, a few days later, there she was on my doorstep. What a WONDER she was. I was alone with four (count em, FOUR!) kids and here was an ADULT! I probably wore her ears out! hahaha.
As we got to know each other, I realized there are MAJOR differences between us. I have four kids, so by now, I am at the point where I know they are hardy and tough. I don't sterilize everything anymore. In fact, I am at the point where I tell my kids, unless you are bleeding, the 'spurty' kind, I don't want to know about it! Whereas Melissa raises her kids 'by the book'! She worries that they haven't gotten the correct amount of servings of each food group each day. I figure, hell, by the end of the year it's GOT to work out! Melissa has a VERY set nap time. I figure, if my kids are tired, they'll fall asleep, even if that means in a grocery cart at Albertsons! Her kids are on a schedule, while mine are lucky to have the same thing happen twice in one month!
Melissa is well educated. College degree's out her butt! I on the other hand have just started!
I am always on time. Ok, I admit it. I am ALWAYS early. Melissa is always a half hour late!
Melissa does educational things with her kids like makes them playdough and finger paints. I let my kids make creatures out of their mashed potatoes.
So why are Melissa and I friends? We have so many differences. We solve problems from very different angles.
So what makes us tick?
Who knows. All I know is that I love this woman more than any other woman I have ever loved (ok you guys, this is not a porn moment!). She 'gets' me. She is ALWAYS there for me. To babysit. To listen. To laugh. She shows up to every one of my kids birthdays....late, but she's there! She brings the best presents...cause she knows my kids so well! She makes me fudge every Christmas. And cookies...and only a VERY good friend dares to give someone fattening stuff! I know that to her, I am great. I can just be me....no makeup...in my pj's and she thinks no different of me. She would do anything for me.
And I would do anything for her. Cause in my eyes, she is great. She can just be her...no makeup...in her pj's....and I think no different of her.
We often joke that we are both so busy that we have to look at our appointment books and 'make time' for each other. But isn't that what friendship is about? Someone is so important to you that you will use a PEN and INK them into your life? That nothing comes before them on that day?
Yah, Mel and I are vastly different. But then, when you think about it....we are so much alike.
So there Mel...this blog entry is for you. I told you I'd write one!
I love you Girlfriend. Always.


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